2024 ISUAA Board Diversity Survey Results
The purpose of the Alumni Association Board of Directors diversity survey is to formally capture the identities and experiences of each board member. This helps the board as a whole to understand how each member brings their identities into their board work. The goal is to formally identify the true representation of the board in efforts to further the strategic goals of the Alumni Association Board of Directors’ DEI Committee and board objectives. The survey will be completed annually and serves as a powerful marker of where the board has come and where it will continue to go.
Survey responses included 23 out of 25 board members. Some answers were preferred left blank.
How would you best describe your gender identity?
Trans Woman Non-binary/Gender Non-conforming
Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?
Prefer not to answer:
How would you best describe yourself?
White: 12
Black or African American: 9
Latino(a)/Latinx/Hispanic: 3
Prefer to self-describe: 1*
*Afro Latina
Prefer not to answer: 1
Where do you live?
Out of State:
Prefer not to answer:
Have you served or are you serving in the U.S. Armed Forces?
Do you identify as a person with a disability?
Prefer not to answer:
Religion/ spiritual affiliation
Includes Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, and Methodist
Prefer not to answer
Organizations, initiatives, or employment involved in as an Illinois State University student.
- A.B.L.A.Z.E.
- Academic Advising Council Student Representative
- Academic Peer Advisor
- Active Minds
- Agriculture Undergraduate Teaching and Research Assistant
- Alamo II
- American Marketing Association (2)
- Association of Latin American Students (2)
- Association for Women in Communication
- Biology Club
- Black Action and Awareness
- Black Student Union(4)
- Block and Bridle Club
- Braden Auditorium
- Brothers on Campus Inc.
- Business Admin Club
- Campus Dining (3)
- College of Business Executive Council
- College Experience
- Dean of Students Office
- English Department Teaching Assistant
- Gamma Phi Circus
- Graduate Assistant
- Greek Life (7)
- Golden Apple
- Hewett-Manchester Student Association
- Homecoming Committee
- Horseback Riding Club
- Interdenominational Youth Choir
- International Business
- Intramural Sports
- Intramural Official
- ISULeads (2)
- Japanese Cultural Association
- Leaders of Social Change
- LeaderSHAPE
- Learning in Communities (LinC) Peer Instructor
- MASAI Retention Specialist
- My Sister’s Keeper
- National Pan Hellenic Council
- NAACP (2)
- NACWC (3)
- Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
- Politics and Government Student Worker
- Preview Guide (3)
- PRIDE (2)
- Resident Assistant
- Student Advisory Board for Alcohol Awareness
- Student Affairs Student Advisory Committee
- Student Counseling Center
- Student Health Advisory Council
- Student Involvement Center
- Student Judicial Office
- Students Today Leaders Forever
- The Vidette (2)
- TV10 (3)
- University Choir
- University Housing Services
- WGSS Graduate Assistant
Employment industry
- Agriculture
- Aeronautical Manufacturing
- Association/Nonprofit Management
- Education (3)
- Government (3)
- Health care (2)
- Higher Education (9)
- Human Resources
- Insurance
- Media / advertising industry
- Mental Health
- Public relations/communications
Professional affiliations/organizations
- Addison Resources Connect (ARC)
- Addison Workforce Development Committee
- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
- American College Personnel Association (ACPA)
- American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)
- American Livestock Conservancy (ALBC)
- American Society of Animal Science (ASAS)
- ANA-Illinois (Nurses organization)
- Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities (APLU)
- Brothers on Campus Inc.
- Chamber of Commerce Groups
- Different Shades of Pink
- Diversifying Faculty in Illinois (DFI)
- Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB)
- Illinois Association of School Social Workers
- Illinois News Broadcasters Association
- Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (INSPRA)
- Illinois Education Association (IEA)
- International Goat Association (IGA)
- Multicultural Leadership Program
- The National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc (NACWC)
- National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
- National Education Association (NEA) (2)
- National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA)
- NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation
- North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA)
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Prisoner Review Board
- Radio TV News Director Association