Student Engagement Highlights
Individualized touchpoints
Career Services assists Redbirds with the process of making career decisions and managing the outcomes of those decisions through one-on-one appointments, presentations, professional connections, and programmatic initiatives.
Advising and drop-in appointments
Fair attendance
Presentations facilitated
Program attendance
“Your Future Starts Here is ever-fitting. Every staff member I have had the pleasure of meeting at Career Services has helped me not only navigate a professional working environment, but to excel in it as well. Through both personal and professional talks, I learned significant skills such as negotiation tactics, leadership methods, interviewing tactics, and portfolio development. Career Services staff members will go out of their way and above and beyond to help you succeed. They gave me a working opportunity that led to several internships, which turned out to be successes. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunities that arose because of Career Services and can, in fact, say that my future started here.” —Wyatt Gotter, senior
Career Readiness Week
Career Readiness Week is a series of professional development opportunities in which students learned from employers, professionals, and alumni to help strengthen their skills and get prepared for professional success. Sessions included job search tips, résumé reviews, and guest speakers. Over 200 students attended the series.

Career Fairs
Career Services provides Redbirds with opportunities to connect with employers seeking to fill internship, part- and full-time positions.
Unique employers attended career fairs
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Expo
D’Andre Hardy, creator and principal consultant of the Seen Society, conducted an interactive workshop to connect students with employers that value equity, diversity, and inclusion. Students learned how to analyze their network, attended a networking lunch, and participated in a career fair to discuss internship and full-time employment opportunities with employers. As a program of the Cultural Career Network, the EDI Expo is one example of Illinois State’s value of equity, diversity, access, and belonging.

“One of the main things that I learned at the EDI Expo is how to maintain your network. It is important to not only have a network of mentors, peers, and your big circle but to add value to their life as well.” —Tiffany Do, sophomore
“Something that I learned at the EDI Expo was not just what networking is but also the importance of networking, the benefits of networking, and how it can help me with my professional development.” —Jeremy Wright, sophomore
International Student Career Series
Career Services, in collaboration with the Office of International Engagement, provided the International Student Career Series. Hosted each semester, international students participated in reviews, learned about career resources, and gained valuable advice from immigration attorney Thomas J. Arkell, from the Dunn Law Firm in Bloomington.

“I am an international student from Panama and recently accepted an internship offer from Liberty Latin America in the Government Affairs Division of the company. I will be working at the headquarters in Panama this summer. Career Services helped me build my résumé in a new language. They gave me a lot of insight in terms of what I should write down and what I shouldn’t.” —Gabrielle Ledesma ’24

"The Office of International Engagement is committed to a ‘deep and regular collaboration’ with Career Services. Its resources make the job-hunting experience safe and positive. For a student who is adapting to an education system, lifestyle, and employment culture that are very likely different from those in their home country, it is very easy to get overwhelmed or even scammed. We ensure that our students know about Career Services and all that it offers to support student success." —Dr. Roopa Rawjee, executive director of the Office of International Engagement