Strategic Plan

I. Foster student success.
- Engage students in applied teaching and learning experiences and experiential opportunities.
- Provide students with individual attention and mentoring.
- Work with campus partners to provide support for student success including excellent academic advisement, mental health resources, and financial assistance to students in need.
- Strategically grow enrollment through a focus on student recruitment and retention.
- Connect with industry and community partners to provide civic engagement and experiential and career opportunities for students and to keep curricula in line with leading science and technology practices.
- Invest in facilities to provide outstanding learning spaces and experiences.
II. Support an inclusive culture of belonging in the college.
- Continue to diversify and promote equity and inclusion.
- Implement strategies that bridge gaps impacting underserved faculty, staff, and students.
- Expand professional development opportunities dedicated to diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging.
- Foster a collegial and collaborative culture.
- Emphasize global perspectives and enhance international engagement opportunities.
III. Bolster faculty and staff success.
- Attract, support, and retain a diverse and talented faculty and staff.
- Invest in leadership development opportunities for faculty and staff.
- Pursue strategies to increase the visibility and recognition of CAST scholarship, external funding, and interdisciplinary research.
- Promote excellence in teaching, research, and service through mentoring, recognition, and professional development.
- Collaborate with campus partners to strengthen initiatives that enhance the well-being of faculty and staff.
IV. Advance engagement with external stakeholders.
- Enhance communication and collaboration with internal and external constituencies.
- Engage with CAST alumni and friends to increase support for programs and projects tied to strategic priorities.
- Cultivate relationships with industry and community partners to support applied opportunities for students, staff, and faculty.
- Pursue and support applied research initiatives with external partners.
- Elevate outreach and marketing initiatives with an emphasis on student recruitment.
- Develop international partnership opportunities to support CAST programs and personnel.

CAST Strategic Plan 2025-2030
College of Applied Science and Technology
Campus Box 5000 Normal, IL 61790
Phone: (309) 438-7602